So here we are. 2 days out from our first show. Last night was our final rehearsal with mixed emotions and a buzz of energy around the room. It’s funny to think little under a year ago we were only just beginning KAZKA, sitting in our studio as Melanie explained this magical tale along with her vision. We were mesmerized and determined to accomplish her dream.

Only now it’s not only the creative’s dream. It’s grown close to the hearts of all us dancers. It’s touched all those involved; the artist, the production team, backstage crew and many close friends and family that have done their part in creating this production. Countless hours of rehearsals, painting, sewing, phone calls and delivering messages, along with Alex’s echoing line “only ‘x’ amount of weeks to go!” Now it’s only days.

As we danced and watched each other push ourselves that final stretch, some of us breathless from excitement, nervous, and even tears in our eyes, embraced in each other’s arms. We just cannot believe we actually made this piece of magic.

There really only is one way to describe it all, to describe our hard work and the quality of all that has been accomplished. It’s written on our faces and printed on our t-shirts. It’s legendary.

Written by Maria Zhdanko - Company Dancer

Maria Zhdanko